
Home -- The CIR landing page features the newest reports in a rotating slide format. The most recent panel meeting documents page should also be easily accessible from the lower right of the screen.

About -- Visitors find here a brief description of the organization, its staff and panel members, as well as other important documents including a current priority list, the CIR procedures, and other top-level process documents.

Panel Meetings -- This section allows visitors to see past and current panel meeting documents.  Administrative documents lead the page, while documents for panel review are separated by their status in columns.  The related documents section at the lower right is under development, but includes transcripts and supplementary data documents related to the review documents.

Ingredients -- Visitors can browse ingredients alphabetically by INCI ingredient name to find related review documents.  This page is still in development, but visitors may also link to selected panel meeting pages, and for now, in the lower right hand corner, find the familiar lists of CIR findings. 

Calendar -- The upcoming year's panel meeting schedule will usually be available here, as well as brief mention of scholarly events related to the work of CIR.

1620 L St NW Suite 1200
Washington DC 20036-4702
phone: 202-331-0651

© 2016 Cosmetic Ingredient Review